11C 陳俊宇

沒有所謂某一個時刻,讓我變成了科學的一份子,但當你走進了iGEM會場,看到了自己和這個世界上,最領先、最有創意的一群人,一起解決問題,那一刻你會意識到,合成生物學和其他科學之所以如此吸引人,是因為它是一種「希望」,讓人們敢想、敢說「我們不滿意這個status quo」、敢說「嘿,說不定這個可以解決問題」,讓大家有底氣相信,這群年輕人就算現在沒法解決問題,他們將會是讓未來變好的關鍵人物,在巴黎,我有幸體會到了最溫暖且熱情「火種」,這群來自世界各地的年輕人,正在做點什麼,而且相信著自己能做出點什麼,這場景帶給我的震撼和感動,我相信會很深很深的刻在我腦中。

The idea for this competition really began during one of the discussion times for our NSS project, and it immediately caught my attention because of its focus on biology. Among the sciences, I’ve always found biology the most intriguing and especially biotechnology — which happened to be one of the main components of synthetic biology.
As for my role over the course of this year-long project, I was the student leader of the team, meaning I was in charge of leading the Saturday meetings as well as dividing up work. Also, I played a role in writing/revising the scripts for our videos and presentations, and writing about our engineering successes. As we approached the end of our project, we held an iGEM seminar, and of course, the competition itself. Some of my more memorable experiences in these two events include the mock competition during the seminar that quite literally destroyed our self-esteem and mentality towards this project. Although that may seem like a quite horrific experience, it truly encouraged us to rethink, reorganize, and reform our Lumbrokinase project into something qualified for a gold medal and two distinct nominations.

The competition in Paris on the other hand, was a completely different experience. From receiving our constructive criticism during the seminar, we prepared extremely well for the presentations, and I specifically remember going around the venue and handing out our project pamphlets to anyone who looks willing (or not) to spare a few minutes of their time to hear a project on earthworms. Finally, even though I was the leader of this project, there were moments where everyone had their chance to lead and contribute to our success, and that’s why I believe it’s so important to be able to work with people that are better than you. Better at certain experimental details, better at cutting and producing videos, better at organizing seminars, and much much more.
All in all, I’ll always appreciate the opportunity I’ve been given to not only participate (and succeed) in such a prestigious competition, but also, and more importantly, work with such great people to learn and do something I’m passionate about.