2024 iGEM學生實錄(Part II)-「參與這段旅程讓我明白:真正的成就來自於與夥伴們攜手面對挑戰,並為這個世界的未來貢獻心力。」

11B 張芸瑄





11A 黃子媛

  一開始參加iGEM ,是因為我對生物領域仍處於探索中的狀態,除此之外,我也認為這項比賽專題十分有趣,最終就選擇報名參加了。正式加入團隊以後,我選擇進入了實驗組,當時的我認為,既然選擇參加跟生物有關的競賽,就應該學習相關的知識,但專題中所要學習的知識比我想像中的困難許多,對我來說很有挑戰性。除此之外,我們要將最終的實驗結果寫成文章放在網頁上時,我也花了許多時間去整理實驗的相關資料與成果,雖然我實際參與了整個實驗過程,但要將複雜繁瑣的內容統整成有邏輯的文字仍然十分困難。



11B 前田櫻來

As a student intending to major in international relations, I initially questioned whether participating in iGEM was the right choice for me. Nevertheless, my long standing passion and curiosity for Biology ultimately guided me to join iGEM which I am incredibly grateful for that decision. iGEM not only amazed me by synthetic biology and its applications, but it also equipped me with essential skills such as leadership, collaboration, presentation and flexibility to adapt to hard situations.

In Taipei-kcislkV2 team, or Digiworm, I played the role of student leader, being responsible for organizing a team of 17 members in total. Although we spent nearly a year preparing for iGEM together, the process of team-building and finding effective collaboration methods was tough. As we approached the final four months of our project, I finally saw our team being more united, collaborative, and increasingly supportive of one another. The personal growth in our teammates made me so proud as a leader, and leading such an amazing group of peers enriched my leadership skills in profound ways.

Participating in iGEM also broadened my worldview. Meeting fellow iGEMers from all around the world in Paris was undoubtedly one of the most rewarding moments of the experience. The passion and enthusiasm for synthetic biology radiated from every team left me in awe. It brought me hope to the current world facing pressing issues in healthcare, environmental sustainability, agriculture, and furthermore. I now firmly believe in the potential of synthetic biology to address these challenges and enrich our lives.

While there were many great moments in iGEM, none of it would have been possible without the extensive preparation dedicated to the project. Reflecting on our preparation, I encountered numerous challenges from understanding complex experimental procedures to becoming a well-rounded contributor to the project. iGEM truly trains participants to be versatile; our work spanned biochemistry and bioengineering, societal applications, software, hardware, and even aspects of entrepreneurship. Mastering presentation skills and articulating our project effectively was no small feat, but overcoming these hurdles transformed them into strengths that I can carry into the future.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone involved in our project— experts, stakeholders, professors, university students, our passionate teacher, seniors from Taipei-kcislkV1 team and of course, my teammates. The connections I made through this experience are invaluable to me. As the saying goes, “Once an iGEMer, always an iGEMer”, and I will carry this spirit with me as I continue my journey.

12B 王耀德

Reflecting on my second iGEM experience, I am incredibly proud of the growth and progress our team made this year. Building on last year’s project, we set out to create a unique “smart” brace designed to release lumbrokinase supplements directly into the bloodstream through light induction, with the dosage carefully controlled by a colorimetric biosensor we engineered. This project required creativity, precision, and close collaboration, and as the experienced senior in the group, I felt a strong responsibility to guide and support the newer members as they adjusted to the demands of iGEM.

In this role, I aimed to make our team’s journey smoother by sharing my insights from last year’s competition, explaining lab procedures, and offering assistance whenever someone encountered a challenge. I found it immensely rewarding to help my teammates develop confidence in their skills, from mastering experimental techniques to embracing innovative ideas. Seeing them grow and contribute with increasing independence was one of the most fulfilling aspects of my experience this year. Our team leader was also instrumental, putting in an incredible effort to ensure every task was on track and that communication within the group remained strong. The outstandingleadership created an environment where each member felt motivated and aligned with our goals.

I am grateful to our teachers for their mentorship, as they led us through complex lab procedures and strengthened our foundational knowledge. Every team member contributed tirelessly, bringing innovation and focus to each phase of the project. Together, we saw our hard work recognized at the Great Jamboree in Paris, where fellow iGEMers and judges alike praised our project. This experience not only validated our efforts but also solidified my passion for biotechnology and my commitment to pursuing further growth in this field.

Looking forward, I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to compete in iGEM again and, even more, to support future teams as they embark on this transformative journey. My experiences have shown me the value of mentorship and the difference it makes when experienced members guide and empower others. I am deeply committed to helping future teams navigate the challenges of iGEM, from developing innovative ideas to mastering lab techniques and presenting confidently on the global stage. I’m eager to share everything I’ve learned to inspire and prepare them, fostering a supportive environment where each member can grow and contribute meaningfully. My goal is to not only strive for outstanding results but also to cultivate a legacy of teamwork, resilience, and enthusiasm that will benefit iGEM teams for years to come. This passion for helping others find their strengths and succeed in biotechnology has become one of the most rewarding aspects of my iGEM journey, and I look forward to making an even greater impact in the future.
