2024 iGEM學生實錄(Part III)-「這段旅程中,我們像是一支支筆,一字一句地書寫屬於自己的篇章,雖不盡完美,卻因堅持而熠熠生輝。」



  回首過去,我一開始加入iGEM,只是單純地因為熱愛生物這門藝術;當我深入其中才真正明白,iGEM所涵蓋的內容遠多於此。膽小的我,在朋友的推薦下去參加說明會,我也不知道當時的我有沒有聽懂,但我著實聽得很入迷。然而,作為一名尚未確定未來方向的高一生,我從未想過自己有機會踏入這國際競賽的舞台,最後是副隊長那句「Now or Never」推了我一把,讓我抱著忐忑的心,走上這條前途未知的道路。







For students interested in the fields of biology, chemistry, and related biotechnologies, International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM) is a strong contender for an introductory course to such fields, with invaluable hands-on-experience. In iGEM, teams design, build, and test biological systems for a variety of goals, from agricultural development to advancements in cancer prevention, typically using synthetic biology principles.

Engaging in iGEM grants the opportunity to develop professional improvisational and communication skills, from reaching out to competing teams and alumni to giving impromptu presentations to potential investors.

Students new to lab work would be able to explore lab procedures and processes under the supervision of university postgraduates, and familiar themselves with technologies and jargon particular to the field of synthetic biology.

Even for students uncertain regarding their interest in the science fields could gain valuable familiarity with the countless fields interlinked in fulfilling an iGEM project, from web design to animations to software engineering. I’ve seen many of my peers develop a second talent in miscellaneous domains, such as social account management or video editing, whereas the majority of others benefited from countless public speaking experiences.

However, it is not to say that the attendance of iGEM is without drawbacks. The most major of reasons for deterrence would be its steep cost, from funds towards renting lab equipment to project promotion, not to mention minor, invisible costs such as transportation, outsourcing, and scheduling sessions with professionals.

Teamwork is crucial to success, and so is leadership and presentation. The jack of all trades, too confident in his own abilities, would almost surely fail, and a herd of sheep without its head would be devoured alive. Whoever said to not judge a book by its cover made a terrible analogy, as our project fell apart at its seams due to inadequate presentation.

It would be wise to consider the benefits of iGEM with a grain of salt. Overall, the opportunity to attend a global event with and against outstandingly bright young minds is priceless, but the bigger an event, typically the lesser the attention your hard work is given. For future challengers of iGEM, I highly encourage you to consider your position and the meaning of this competition to you before making your decision. And if your mind is set, you must only try your best.
