2024築夢康橋壯遊臺灣 Day4壽卡-戰勝自我的欣喜。-「在短暫的旅行學會獨立,建立起更強大的心理,驀然回首便發覺—我們長大了。」















10D Sidney Feng

With today comes the biggest challenge of our entire trip, the 12-kilometer ride up Shou Ka. In the morning, we rode over 3 mountains that the staff told us were ‘little,’ but they weren’t little at all. However, along the way we got to see the stunning view of the Pacific Ocean. The blue sky and crystal-like sea water encouraged us to strive for success.

Around lunchtime was when most parts of my body began to malfunction: my right knee was cramped and I sprained my back. However, I insisted that I continue riding as I did not want to regret not even trying to ride up Shou Ka, as it was the essence of the bike trip. On the way, many teachers and even my classmates came to me and insisted that I go in the car, but I declined their kind offer as I did not want to do something that I’ll regret.

To be completely honest, I did not manage to keep up with our class’s pacing, so I don’t really know what happened in our team. However, what I do know is how we most likely all felt while riding up the mountain. The key factor to riding up Shou Ka was not having extremely enduring stamina, but instead a persistent heart and the determination to succeed. Although there were many instances where I desperately wanted to give up, I thought about how proud I would be after I succeeded; this is probably what kept me going on for so long.

After hours and hours of riding, we finally reached the hotel and had, by far, the most amazing meal of the trip. Lastly, we did a short reflection on how far we’ve come so far on the bike trip since our first bike training; we also read through the letters that our parents wrote us. I ended up crying my guts out for over 15 minutes due to how emotional I was after reading the letter.

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